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Real Estate San Diego, CA

Real Estate in San Diego is one of the best long term investments you can make. Even in slight downturns in the market, or like the one we recently experienced, the value of real estate is always increasing over time. Like a wise man once said "Last time I checked, they aren't making any more land". Real estate, in most cases, is a piece of land with some sort of improvement on it. By improvement, we mean a house or building. While homes on land increase the value of your real estate, it is the land that is the limited resource with an ever growing demand as the population continues to grow.
Whether you're looking to move out, move in or move up, now is a good time to buy or sell real estate. If you were waiting for "the bottom" sorry to inform you, it's already come and gone. Property value has been on a steady rise in the recent past and as our economy continues to stabilize this upward trend will only continue and accelerate. Click this link to view the recent San Diego Real Estate Market Trends. This in turn, creates a great sellers market, with many prior home owners forced into renting because they couldn't afford inflated payments. Others may have anticipated equity and so many prospective home buyers were simply waiting for "the right time" to buy. In the current market, most listings that comes through my office are receiving multiple offers in a short time. Further, buyer's agents are submitting offers as the 3rd back-up offer. If you've been thinking about selling, there is no time like the present. If you're looking to buy, don't wait till you can no longer afford the neighborhood you've been looking at. If you want to sell, don't wait for the market to level off and cool.